What you'll learn

  • How to craft your public narrative


  • How to connect your story to that of your community to motivate commitment to a shared purpose and call to action


  • How to analyze the role of narrative in moments of critical change and use tools to enable others’ agency


  • How to increase your capacity to lead others using the public narrative framework

Course description

In the Public Narrative program, you'll learn how to tell a story of self that enables others to "get you"; a story of us that enables your community to "get each other"; and a story of now that turns the present moment into one of challenge, hope, and action. It is a groundbreaking practice that for years has proven an invaluable tool for senior public leaders, community organizers, students, and leaders across a range of organizations. 

Why stories?

Stories enable us to communicate our values as lived experiences rather than abstract principles. They have the power to move people and inspire change by evoking shared values that motivate others to action. You may think that your personal story does not matter or that people are not interested. However, if you are engaged in public work or are leading an organization, you have the  responsibility, to offer an account of who you are, why you do what you do, and where you hope to lead. If you do not author your own story, others likely will, and it may not be as you wish.


Senior Lecturer in Public Policy at the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard Kennedy School

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